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Студентам и аспирантам: XXIV конференция молодых ученых и специалистов AYSS-2020, ОИЯИ, Дубна

Студентам и аспирантам: XXIV конференция молодых ученых и специалистов AYSS-2020, ОИЯИ, Дубна

by Леонтьева Анна Николаевна -
Number of replies: 0

jinr logoDear colleagues,

we are glad to inform you that the registration to the XXIII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS-2020), which will be held by videoconference (ZOOM or WEBEX) from 9 to 13 November 2020, is now open.

Please note that due to technical reasons, the registration is limited to 300 participants and it is a competitive application process, so only 200 participants will be selected for giving a talk at the conference, the rest can participate as listeners.

All the previous registrations for this conference were deleted, so those who already registered previously(at the begining of this year) need to fill the registration and abstract forms again.

Registration and abstract submission deadline is 11th October 2020. The working language of the Conference is English.

You may find detailed information about the Conference and registration form on the website http://ayss-2020.jinr.ru .

On behalf of the Organizing Committee sincerely yours, Aidos Issadykov & Nikolay Voytishin