Scientific Leader of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR
Prof. Dr. Sc. Victor L. Aksenov
Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences
Director B.P.Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”
Orlova Roscha, Gatchina, Leningrad Region 188300, Russia
tel.: +7 (81371) 46029; fax: +7 (81371) 36025
Citizenship: Russia, born 20 June 1947;
Graduated Tomsk State University in Physics, 1970; Ph.D. degree in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics from Tomsk State University, 1974; Doctor of Sciences in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics from A.V.Steklov Institute of Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), 1985; Professor in Solid State Physics from Moscow Engineering Physics Technical University, 1994; Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011.
Condensed matter physics: neutron scattering by nanostructural materials, low dimensional magnetics, liquid solutions, cluster state of matter.
1970 – 1987: | Bogolubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Moscow Region - Postgraduate student, Researcher, Senior researcher, Leading researcher |
1987 – 2006: | Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of the JINR - Deputy Director, Director, Head of Department |
2006 to present: | Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of the JINR - Science Director |
2006 – 2012: | National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” (NRC KI), Moscow - Deputy Director |
2012 to present: | B.P.Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of the NRC KI - Director |
2000 to present: | M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University - Head of Neutron Crystallography Chair |
2000: | State Prize of the Russian Federation for the development of the new methods in neutron crystallography at pulsed and steady-state reactors |
Member: | Russian Federation President Council on Science and Education |
Vice-chair: | National Crystallography Committee at the Russian Academy of Sciences |
Honorary member: | Roland Eötvös Physical Society (Hungary) |
Vice-editor: | Review Journal «Particles and Nuclei» (JINR, Dubna) |
Member: | Journal «Crystallography» (RAS, Moscow) Engl. transl. «Crystallography Report» |
PUBLICATIONS (some review papers):
Aksenov V.L., Plakida N.M. and Stamenkovich S. Neutron scattering by ferroelectrics. Energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1984; Engl. Transl. World Scientific, Singapore, 1990.
New methods in neutron scattering
Aksenov V.L. and Balagurov A.M. Time-of-flight neutron diffractometry. Usp. Fiz. Nauk (Physics – Uspekhi), 1996, v. 166, No. 9, p. 955.
Aksenov V.L., Ignatovich V.K. and Nikitenko Yu.V. Neutron standing waves in layered systems. Crystallography Reports, 2006, v. 51, No. 5, p. 734.
Aksenov V.L. Some new aspects of polarized neutron optics. Priroda (Russian Nature), 2008, No. 9, p. 52.
Aksenov V.L., Nikitenko Yu.V. Polarized neutron optics at grazing incidence. Usp. Fiz. Nauk (Physics – Uspekhi), 2013 (to be publ.)
Nanostructural solid materials, low dimensional magnetism
Aksenov V.L. Neutron scattering by high temperature superconductors. Usp. Fiz. Nauk (Physics – Uspekhi), 2002, v. 172, No. 6, p. 701.
Aksenov V.L., Balagurov A.M. and Pomyakushin V.Yu. Neutron diffraction analysis of doped manganites. Usp. Fiz. Nauk (Physics – Uspekhi), 2003, v. 46, No. 8, p. 856.
Aksenov V.L., Khaidukov Yu.N. and Nikitenko Yu.V. Peculiarities of magnetic states in Ferromagnet/Superconductor heterostructures due to proximity effects. J. of Physics: Conference Series, 2010, v. 211, p. 012022.
Aksenov V.L., Khaydukov Yu.V., Nagy B. et al. On the feasibility to study inverse proximity effect in a single S/F bilayer by polarized neutron reflactometry. Pis’ma v ZhETF (JETP Letters), 2013, v. 98, iss. 2, p. 116.
Liquid solutions, structure and kinetics of clusters
Avdeev M.V., Aksenov V.L. and Tropin T.V. Models of cluster formation in solutions of fullerenes. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2010, v. 84, No. 8, p. 1273.
Avdeev M.V. and Aksenov V.L. Small-angle neutron scattering in structure research of magnetic fluids. Usp. Fiz. Nauk (Physics – Uspekhi), 2010, v. 180, No. 10, p. 1009.
Aksenov V.L. Neutron investigations of carbon nanostructures. Russian Nanotechnologies, 2011, No. 708, p.1.
Avdeev M.V., Aksenov V.L., Gazova Z. et al. On the determination of the helical structure parameters of amyloid protofilaments by small-angle neutron scattering and atomic-force microscopy. J. Appl. Cryst., 2013, v. 46, p. 224.
22 July 2013