Видеоматериалы для курса английского языка.

Комментарий администратора: В соответствии с предложением преподавателя, доступ на сборник тестов Daisy English Tests для широкого круга студентов закрыт. Для входа нужно использовать кодовое слово, которые преподаватель сообщает на занятиях. Поле для введения кодового слова появляется внизу данной страницы после нажатия на ссылку Daisy English Tests.

Welcome to the Daisy English Tests (DET), a part of a MHCT system.

The tests have all been written to reflect the content of the four books in the Language Practice series.

DET contains an extensive placement test with an answer key. This can be used to determine the most appropriate Language Practice book for individual students at the beginning of their course of study.

For each level of the Language Practice series (Elementary, Intermediate, Certificate and Advanced) there are a number of grammar practice tests, vocabulary tests and a final test.

Grammar Tests

The grammar tests contain a range of exercise types, giving students an opportunity to practise the grammar they have studied in their book. Each test covers approximately five book units and the unit numbers covered by the test are clearly indicated.

In addition, each grammar test has an A and B version.

Vocabulary Tests

There are four vocabulary tests for each level in the series, each containing a variety of exercise types, and revising the vocabulary covered in the vocabulary units of the books.

Final Tests

The final test for each level is a more extensive test of both grammar and vocabulary and could be used as a final assessment at the end of a course of study.